Upcoming event: Explorations in Carceral Geography – Friday 17 December

Explorations in Carceral Geography is a new participatory and interdisciplinary seminar series in Carceral Geography, organised by Christophe Mincke, Olivier Milhaud and Anna Schliehe.

The first seminar, Manifest for a politics of rhythm, will take place on Friday 17 December 2021, 10am to 12pm CET.

In this first seminar in the ‘Explorations’ series, we will hear from a group of sociologists and philosophers working on space and mobility. They propose to bring rhythm into debates on spatial and social practices. We will introduce them to carceral research on this topic and will hear about wider discussions and deep reflections on how ‘rhythm’ might offer a new lens for the carceral sphere and beyond.

Invited speakers:

  • Guillaume Drevon – Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research
  • Vincent Kaufmann – Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
  • Luca Pattaroni – Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Free online event. Please register at: www.eventbrite.com/e/explorations-in-carceral-geography-tickets-207469917107

The Explorations in Carceral Geography seminar series aims to provide the time and space to engage in an in-depth way with scholarship on the carceral or on topics that are of interest for carceral researchers. The seminar will focus on extensive discussion and an in-depth insight into works such as books, PhD theses or series of articles. For more information, please visit our event page or download the event flyer.