Proposal for a Carceral Geography research group at the RGS-IBG

There is a proposal in draft to create a Carceral Geography research group of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers.
Whether you are a member of the RGS-IBG or not, and (especially!) if you have never heard of it, please read on!
The purpose of such a group would be to provide a platform for further development of carceral geography, with dialogue between geographers interested in confinement (including diverse types of incarceration, detention, and custody) and scholars in other disciplines who are interested in geographical approaches to confinement (e.g. in criminology and prison sociology). An explicit intention would also be to provide a forum for discussion between researchers and practitioners/professionals in this area, both to connect the potential users of research with the people undertaking it, and to enable academics to better understand the priorities and pressures of professional practice.
This group would be free to join both for RGS-IBG members (including postgraduate members) and non-members.
In order to propose to the RGS-IBG that such a group should exist, the application requires evidence of support for the proposal. This means:
  • 40 names and membership numbers of RGS-IBG members (this can include postgraduate members, and members of the AAG who have linked RGS-IBG memberships). The names and numbers of these individuals would be submitted to the RGS-IBG as evidence of the community of scholars willing to join the group if created. (Whether the group would be proposed as a Research Group or a Limited Life Working Group is for discussion with the RGS-IBG).


So, if you are a member/Fellow of the RGS-IBG, and you would be willing to join a proposed Carceral Geography research group of the RGS-IBG, please complete this short survey.
However, evidence of support from beyond existing RGS-IBG membership is also important. If you are not a Fellow/member, or if you would describe yourself as a practitioner or professional rather than a researcher in this field, and you would be happy to lend your support to the application (which means that your name would be listed in the application as a supportive non-RGS member) then please also complete the same survey.
Many thanks!